' This script create a schedueld task to start on event 'Universe started'.
' start uv.exe UV.COLDSTART (UV/VOC UV.COLDSTART a PA to start phantoms)
Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' constant
taskAuthor      = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%USERNAME%" )
taskRunAsUser   = "USER"
taskArgument    = "UV.COLDSTART" 
' get the uvadm passwd 
taskRunAsPasswd = Inputbox("Please enter the uvadm password:","passwd")
' read uv registry value uvhome
  Dim UvHome
  on error resume next 
  ' try 32 bit
  UvHome     = oShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rocket Software\UniVerse\CurrentVersion\UvHome")
  if err then 
        ' try 64bit
	UvHome     = oShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Rocket Software\UniVerse\CurrentVersion\UvHome")
	if err then  
		' no uvhome
                msgbox "uvhome non défini en registry HKLM\software\ {Wow6432Node\} Rocket Software\UniVerse\CurrentVersion\UvHome"
	end if
end if  
' teste le directory trouvé
' if dir(UvHome) = "" then
'	msgbox "path uvhome invalide : " & UvHome
'	wscript.Quit
' end if
' A constant that specifies an event trigger.
' https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/taskschd/trigger
  const TriggerTypeEvent = 0
' A constant that specifies an execute shell action.
' https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/TaskSchd/actioncollection-create
  const ActionTypeExec  = 0
' Create the TaskService object.
Set service = CreateObject("Schedule.Service")
call service.Connect()
' Get a folder to create a task definition in. 
Dim rootFolder
Set rootFolder = service.GetFolder("\")
' The taskDefinition variable is the TaskDefinition object.
' The flags parameter is 0 because it is not supported.
Dim taskDefinition
Set taskDefinition = service.NewTask(0) 
' Define information about the task.
' Set the registration info for the task by 
' creating the RegistrationInfo object.
Dim regInfo
Set regInfo          = taskDefinition.RegistrationInfo
regInfo.Description  = "Start on uvhome uv.exe UV.COLDSTART PAragraph"
regInfo.Author       = taskAuthor
' Set the task setting info for the Task Scheduler by
' creating a TaskSettings object.
Dim settings
Set settings                 = taskDefinition.Settings
settings.StartWhenAvailable  = True
' Create an event trigger.
Dim triggers
Set triggers = taskDefinition.Triggers
Dim trigger
Set trigger = triggers.Create(TriggerTypeEvent)
' Trigger variables that define when the trigger is active.
trigger.Id                 = "OnUniverseStarted"
trigger.StartBoundary      = "2018-01-12T12:00:00"
trigger.EndBoundary        = "2500-01-12T12:00:00"
trigger.ExecutionTimeLimit = "PT10M"    '10 MINUTES
trigger.Delay              = "PT1M"     ' 1 minutes delay between task and action to be sure uv is started

' Define the event query. The trigger will start the task when an event is received.
trigger.Subscription = "<QueryList> " & _
    "<Query Id='1'> " & _
        "<Select Path='UniVerse'>*[EventData[Data='UniVerse (log daemon) started']]</Select>" & _
' Create the action for the task to execute.
' Add an action to the task. The action sends an email message.
Dim Action
' action execute a process
Set Action = taskDefinition.Actions.Create( ActionTypeExec )
Action.Path             = Uvhome & "\bin\uv.exe"
Action.Arguments        = taskArgument 
Action.WorkingDirectory = UvHome  
WScript.Echo "Task definition ready. <enter> will register."
call rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition( "Universe Coldstart after UV Started", taskDefinition, 6, taskRunAsUser , taskRunAsPasswd , 1)
WScript.Echo "Universe Coldstart - Task registered."
Il faut ensuite
  • ouvrir le planificateur de tache (Task Scheduler)
  • exporter la tache et mettre la priorité 4 dans le fichier XML.
  • Supprimer la tâche
  • Créer un dossier Integrix
  • Importer la tâche et cocher la case “Exécuter avec les autorisations maximales”
  • Sur l'onglet “Conditions” décocher “Ne pas démarrer la tache si l'ordinateur est relié au secteur”
  • Sur l'onglet “Paramètres” décochez la case “Arrêter la tache si elle s'exécute plus de 3j”

La raison est que si on reste en priorité “7” (Low), Windows peut décider de bloquer certains accès fichiers des lignes WI.HDL si l'accès aux fichiers est fortement utilisé.

Une alternative consiste à utiliser Powershell :

    # vérifie que la tâche n'existe pas 
    if (Get-ScheduledTask -taskname 'uv.coldstart' -ErrorAction Ignore) { 
        write-error 'taskname uv.port.status.cache exist !'
        exit 1 
    # crée l'action 
    $Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction `
         -Execute "$($env:UVDB)\uv\bin\uv.exe" `
         -Argument '"UV.COLDSTART"' `
         -WorkingDirectory "$($env:UVDB)\UV"
    # crée le trigger, on event
    $Trigger = ((cimclass MSFT_TaskEventTrigger root/Microsoft/Windows/TaskScheduler) | New-CimInstance -ClientOnly)
    $Trigger.Enabled = $true
    $Trigger.Subscription = '<QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="UniVerse"><Select Path="UniVerse">*[EventData[Data="UniVerse (log daemon) started"]]</Select></Query></QueryList>'
    # fixe les settings  
    $Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet 
    $Settings.Enabled = $True 
    $Settings.Priority = 4
    # crée la tâche
    $Task = New-ScheduledTask `
         -Action $Action `
         -Trigger $Trigger ` 
         -Settings $Settings 
    $Task.Author = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"
    $Task.Date = (GET-DATE)
    $Task.Description = "start uv.coldstart at uv boot"
    # enregistre la tâche
    try {
                      -TaskName 'uv.coldstart' `
                      -InputObject $Task `
                      -User (Read-Host 'What is the username to run the task uv.port.status.refresh domain\userid?') `
                      -Password $([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto( [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR((Read-Host 'What is the password?' -AsSecureString))) )
    catch {
        exit 1
public/wi/installation/webaccount/start_wihdlmng/vbs.txt · Dernière modification: 19/09/2023 09:57 par Jean Christophe Dewalque
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