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GS - Ghostscript

Manu Fernandes 23/02/2011 08:26 create

ps vers pdf

script linux ps2pdf path convertit tout les .ps qui sont dans path en .pdf

ls $1/ps/*.ps | while read ficname; do
RAC=`echo $ficname | cut -d . -f 1`
/usr/bin/gs -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=$RAC.pdf $ficname
rm $ficname

Merge PDF

Joining PDFs the Ghostscript way

Ghostscript is a package that enables you to view or print PostScript and PDF files to other formats, or to convert those files to other formats. It's a popular tool among Linux users, but what many people don't know is that Ghostscript is also a powerful tool for combining PDF files.

To use Ghostscript to combine PDF files, type something like the following:

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf

Unless you're very familiar with Ghostscript, that string of commands won't mean much to you. Here's a quick breakdown:

When using Ghostscript to combine PDF files, you can add any PDF-related option to the command line. For example, you can compress the file, target it to an eBook reader, or encrypt it. See the Ghostscript documentation for more information.

The biggest advantage to Ghostscript is that it's a standard part of many Linux distributions. If you don't have it on your computer, it's easy to download and install it.

Using Ghostscript has its drawbacks, too. Unless you use Ghostscript's PDF options, the utility produces a barebones merged PDF file, and a large one at that, because by default Ghostscript doesn't compress PDF files. On top of that, some people may find typing long strings of options at the command line to be a bit of a chore.